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He may keep the husk but he will see to it that it bends to his will.After 100 days, the Pakistani public has grown weary watching a new government conducting post-mortems on live adversaries, just as the revolutionary Parisian mobs eventually sickened at the slicing sound of the guillotine. A little twist and Jawaharlal might turn a dictator sweeping aside the paraphernalia of a slow-moving democracy. The PM has hinted that he might have to govern through presidential ordinances, bypassing the very Parliament that gives him constitutional authority.Today’s press is that cautionary whisperer. Chimpanzees are closer to humans with 240 days. Donkeys need 365 days. He calls himself a democrat and a socialist, and no doubt he does so in all earnestness, but every psychologist knows that the mind is ultimately a slave to the heart and logic can always be made to fit in with the desires and irrepressible urges of a person. Should he by chance read this paper, he might care to scan this extract from an anonymous article about Jawaharlal Nehru, published in the Modern Review in November 1937. He is known to watch television.”For a politician, Jawaharlal Nehru had an unusual feel for history. It would have been success enough during that time to have mastered the elements of Pakistan’s complicated governance. Others battle for space on the front page or for more prime time television coverage.Margaret Thatcher, even when Prime Minister, made breakfast for her husband Dennis, to remind herself that she was also a spouse. That is now compounded by fear. Ministers still bicker over territorial boundaries. Politicians in power bay for an odd-handed accountability — of others, not of themselves. Paraphrasing what Napoleon said: “The hand that gives is as bad to the hand that takes. Each has its own gestation period. Lions and tigers take about 108-9 days.The PTI’s crusade wholesale Beige printed mink Faux Fur Fabrics against corruption is laudable. Politicians in Opposition are fearful at the cadavers of their past misdeeds being disinterred.” But even the Napoleonic code never envisaged one law for the receiver and no law for the giver.”“And yet he has all the makings of a dictator in him — vast popularity, a strong will directed to a well-defined purpose, energy, pride, organisational capacity, ability, hardness, and, with all his love of the crowd, an intolerance of others and a certain contempt for the weak and the inefficient. His over-mastering desire to get things done, to sweep away what he dislikes and build anew, will hardly brook for long the slow processes of democracy. Pakistan’s Prime Minister revealed recently that, of an evening, his spouse has to remind him that he is the Prime Minister. The malodour of corruption though clings to both hands involved in such sordid transactions.  

The author was later revealed to be Nehru himself:“Men like Jawaharlal, with all their capacity for great and good work, are unsafe in democracy. Governments need up to four years, and even then, they do not always deliver.Decision makers at every level of government are in a spasm. In normal times he would be just an efficient and successful executive, but in this revolutionary epoch, Caesarism is always at the door. Many feel it is time the country moved forward, and not just by looking through the rear-view mirror. Changes without improvement or U-turns without alternative destinations are a poor substitute for policies. Money has no fatherland; financiers are without patriotism.  

Corruption is a social cancer that has spread deep, too deep, into Pakistan’s vitals. They dread the consequences of their actions.It was masochistic, therefore, for the PTI government to have set itself the target of delivering — even in part — its electoral promises within the first 100 days. He wrote it; he made it; he became it.By arrangement with Dawn. Provinces behave towards each other as if the federation is an unproven myth. His flashes of temper are well known and even when they are controlled, the curling of the lips betrays him. He understood all too well why in Roman times, a victor on his triumphal march through adoring crowds needed someone beside him on the chariot, murmuring into his ear: Hominem te memento (Remember you are only a man).

Had PM Imran Khan concentrated in his biology class at Aitchison College, he would have noticed that organisms are like governments.The behaviour of the PTI government since it assumed office this summer has oscillated between nobility of intent and crassness of action, between disguised democracy and faux fascism, between inexperience and incompetence.PM Imran Khan must be inundated already with advice proffered by his friends, his critics, his wives. Instead, the PTI government has expended its green energies castigating its predecessors and in trying to resuscitate a system immobilised by institutional apathy.

Posté le 15/10/2020 à 04:07 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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The two businesses often merge for the Sirsats and they not only provide all the ingredients needed for Hindu funerals but also flower crosses and wreaths for Christian last rites ceremonies.

Rich or poor, you have to complete funeral rites and places like these are the only option if you want to get everything you need quickly,” says Vishwanath. “The business dates back to 1922, when my grandfather opened a small shop dealing in funeral products under the shade of this tree,” he says while pointing at a tree on the sidewalk.Chirshanti, Parel:U nlike its contemporaries, Chirshanti, located at the New Municipal Building in Parel, is anything but run-down. Sukhdev Lokhande, who had been resting under the shade, rouses himself and explains the nitty-gritties of the business.Within a stone’s throw from some of the biggest hospitals in the city, are one-stop shops specialising in last ritesStationed close to some Mumbai’s biggest hospitals, nestled within busy market places are one-stop shops that specialise in last rites. The owner of the shop, Sanket Sitaram Shirsat, dressed in a spiffy pair of trousers and a button-down, explains that his family runs a parallel horticulture business in Panvel, and that this funeral items’ shop has only been kept open for sentiment’s sake.” Like any businessman, Lokhande offers deals on the merchandise. Flanked by eateries on either side, and a newspaper stall in front, it looks more like a Xerox and lamination shop than a funeral shop.  Antim Sanskar, Dadar:For Sneha and Sakharam, a husband-and-wife team that runs Antim Sanskar near Dadar Bridge, business is not what it had once been. “We get all sorts of people here. “No one will ever be able to close down this shop,” says a confident Sakharam as he leans against the rickety door. Shamshaanbhumi, Sion:Following the same line of medical shops that lead to Aatmashanti, one finds oneself outside the Shamshaanbhumi. From jars of haldi and kumkum to bamboo mats and wood shavings, they store it all. Along with a display of garlands, woven cane chattais and a fridge-full of water bottles and cold drinks for the tired mourners, there is a board that lists the prices of package deals for funerals — `1,000 is listed for Maharashtrian Brahmins, while Jains, Marwaris and Sindhis are listed for packages of `900. Upon entering some of artificial fur fabric manufacturers these, we found that they have a world of their own, one that happens to be built around death. It has been one of the many cubbyhole shops that line the ground floor of the building since the 1970s. “We have a lot of people from the Dharavi chawls coming in, who cannot afford the regular package rates,” she explains.  

Vishwanath Yadav’s ancestor started this shop right within the premises of the crematorium over a 100 years ago. Their shelves are stocked with everything you need for a funeral — customised to fit religious and ritualistic requirements.” To supplement their death-related business dealings, the resourceful woman also sells plastic bags, a hot commodity in the bustling Dadar market. Atma Shanti, Sion:Past a row of medical shops in a lane close to the Sion Hospital, Aatma Shanti is the size of a small roadside barbershop. Package deals worth of `960 are offered on the merchandise if a customer wants to buy all the items necessary for the funeral. The shop has been around since the 1940s, and is, according to Sukhdev, as essential to the city’s fabric as the medical shops cluttering the streets outside hospitals. Pedestrians pass by these unassuming shops without a second glance, often mistaking them for grocery stores. “They make a huge spectacle of the whole thing, you’d think it’s a baraat, not a procession of mourners,” she adds with a laugh.  

The mortuary staff members of Sion Hospital direct people to the shop, thereby reducing their hassle. “We don’t get as many people as we used to at one time,” laments Sneha, adding, “A lot of our upper-class clients don’t come anymore as they prefer to get ambulances and cars to transfer the body of the deceased. Sneha also talks about special concessions for poorer sections of society. This shop too has been around for more than 100 years and its legacy spans across three generations. “In villages, when someone passes away, you have a bunch of people coming to help out,” he says, adding, “In cities, we are the best solution in a time when you are not in the state of mind to take care of these details. “Although we don’t have goods for other religions, we do give them cotton sheets,” he adds. Vishwanath, who is in his 60s, says that he is the third generation of the Yadavs to have continued the family business.

Posté le 10/10/2020 à 04:24 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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It isn’t so much that Imran tried to ingratiate himself with the hoi polloi with fake talk about simplicity and related silliness, but that Imran will only engage the people, the media — everyone — on his terms. Put all of that together and it’s no surprise it’s been a rough start so far.But is any of it a surprise?Imran is one of the more transparent politicians we’ve ever had. The only real skill on display so far has been the chap who has jetted around to bring on board allies and independents. But even in an age of pretence, Imran will only be able to hide so long that he wants to be PM more than he wants to fix things. Just weeks before the election, Imran was caught in a media maelstrom for jetting off abroad with a friend who may or may not have had his paperwork in order. Family and honour require some rectification and recompense.  

No apology, no comment, no reversal. The answer is obvious.Broadly, there’s two kinds: the extremely wealthy and those steeped in power politics.So if everything is manufactured and fake, you may as well ride it out.So back to the original question: what if, just what if, Imran wants to be PM more than he wants to fix things?That they had done zero preparation is obvious enough. But it rarely stops at that. You probably don’t need to do much sifting.The helicopter stuff is already fading — as it always would.At a minimum, the gent’s ego has been bruised.By arrangement with Dawn. What has really been signalled is access: manage the gent’s idiosyncrasies and ego because a satisfied gent is a man who can get work done for you. Imran doesn’t give a rat’s behind about what TV says or social media obsesses over: knowing how to use the media cultivates a healthy contempt for it.You can guess some of the reasons why. Or he can leave us to suffer everything amped up to 10 for the next five years.But that doesn’t have to be an insurmountable problem: pick the right people and you’re halfway to being a saviour. The other thing may be a little more hidden. As a principal beneficiary of the manufactured realities of TV, Imran may believe that everything he sees, reads or hears in the media is driven by an agenda.But sift through even a bit of the mountain of public statements and opinions and comments that Imran has made over the decades and try and find two things: an interest in how things work and an appetite for any level of detail. No agents of change there. But that isn’t really the story. Move on, then, to sifting through the people Imran has surrounded himself with over the years, especially in more recent times.But the stakes were somewhat higher in another recent incident and Imran showed the same defiance and contemptuous disregard. Simplifying politics, good versus evil, everything a question of will and belief, a great future awaits if only the right leadership has control — that’s the stuff of insurgents, outside politics.So many rabbits to chase after, so much to bite into, but the muzzle and the leash prevail for now, so on to lesser things.A policeman suffering humiliation and a nobody CM taking a few hits in the media is par for the course — neither can really object because it comes with the territory. Beyond that it’s just been uncertainty and unsteadiness, in naming a Cabinet, in making provincial picks, in setting an agenda.The pounding that is being taken by some now is a down payment on favours that may be called in later.There will be calmer patches ahead: Imran is bestride a system that manifestly favours him and opposes his rivals.  

He may not even be that wrong. It’s transparently obvious but in this age of pretence, let’s start with a bit of pretence:What if — just what if — Imran wanted to be PM more than he wanted to fix things?The shenanigans of the plastic injection molding machine price week are easy enough to explain. Good or bad, tawdry or sensational, there’s more out there about Imran, in story, legend and rumour, than most folk need or would like to know. Media outrage will burn itself out quickly enough and if it doesn’t, the problem and the sponsors lie elsewhere and that requires different handling.Imran can make some tweaks and adjustments now. He’s given more interviews and made himself more available to the media than any other first-tier pol around today, all of them having lengthier political careers than Imran.  

But the same contempt shone through. Nothing surprising in any of it, but only if you want to and know where to look. But that hyper visibility is also instructive.The helicopter faux pas is defiance after a minor transgression when the stakes are minimal — it’s not like someone’s going to take away his prime ministership, or even his heli rides, for being preachy and insincere.The fierce pounding he took then made no sense to suffer without some quick damage control.Heck, we — allegedly — know more about his personal life than the lives of many of our friends and relatives. There was an election to be fought and won and even if Imran knew he’d be helped across the finish line, the pounding he was taking on TV and in social media was an unnecessary distraction.The populist rhetoric is fine.

Posté le 29/09/2020 à 04:48 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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These bursts shootout in two different directions perpendicular to where the two neutron stars first crash, Reitze said. The findings are “of spectacular importance,” said Penn State physicist Abhay Ashtekar, who wasn’t part of the research.

“The completeness of this picture from the beginning to the end is unprecedented,” said Columbia University physics Professor Szabolcs Marka. But black holes let no light escape, so astronomers could see nothing. The rough figure that came out of this event is between the original two, Reitze said. And after three weeks it was completely gone, she said. Eight days after the signal came through; the LIGO gravitational waves were shut down for a year’s worth of planned upgrades. “We finally now know what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object and it’s a kilonova.What they witnessed in mid-August and revealed Monday was the long-ago collision of two neutron stars — a phenomenon California Institute of Technology’s David H. “There are many, many extraordinary discoveries within the discovery. The Hubble Space Telescope even got a snapshot of the afterglow.7 seconds of each other, by NASA’s Fermi telescope, which detects gamma rays, and gravity wave detectors in Louisiana and Washington State that are a part of the LIGO Laboratory, whose founders won a Nobel Prize earlier this month.It was a faint signal, but it told of one of the most violent acts in the universe, and it would soon reveal secrets of the cosmos, including how gold was created.

The first optical images showed a bright blue dot that was very hot, which was likely the start of the heavy element creation process amid the neutron star debris, Drout said.”. Perhaps one day the material will clump together into planets the way ours was formed, Reitze said — maybe ones with rich veins of precious metals.“This is really brand new.”It started in a galaxy called NGC 4993, seen from Earth in the Hydra constellation. A month later the whole area where the crash happened would have been blocked from astronomers’ prying eyes by the sun. The crash, called a kilonova, generated a fierce burst of gamma rays and a gravitational wave, a faint ripple in the fabric of space and time, first theorized by Albert Einstein.88 trillion miles. “This is our fantasy observation.” Almost all of the discoveries confirmed existing theories, but had not been proven — an encouraging result for theorists who have been trying to explain what is happening in the cosmos, said France Cordova, an astrophysicist who directs the National Science Foundation.  

Astronomers around the world reacted to the signal quickly, focusing telescopes located on every continent and even in orbit to a distant spot in the sky. A light-year is 5.Scientists involved in the search for gravitational waves said this was the event they had prepared for over more than 20 years. Scientists knew that the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang.“This is getting everything you wish for,” said Syracuse University physics Professor Duncan Brown, one of more than 4,000 scientists involved in the blitz of science that the crash kicked off. Two neutron stars collapsed cores of stars so dense that a teaspoon of their matter would weigh 1 billion tons, danced ever faster and closer together until they collided, said Carnegie Institution astronomer Maria Drout. “But we’re going to keep trying. Before this, recycled faux fur fabric Suppliers scientists came up with two slightly different answers using different techniques.Before August, the only other gravity waves detected by LIGO were generated by colliding black holes.  

When these things collide, all hell breaks loose,” he said. Calculations from a telescope measuring ultraviolet light showed that the combined mass of the heavy elements from this explosion is 1,300 times the mass of Earth. Reitze called “the most spectacular fireworks in the universe. After a day or two that blue faded, become much fainter and redder.“This is like a cosmic atom smasher at a scale far beyond humans would be capable of building,” said Andy Howell, a staff scientist at the Las Cumbres Observatory. And all that stuff — including lighter elements — was thrown out in all different directions and is now speeding across the universe.Measurements of the light and other energy emanating from the crash have helped scientists explain how planet-killing gamma-ray bursts are born, how fast the universe is expanding, and where heavy elements like platinum and gold come from. Finding where the crash happened wasn’t easy.  

Eventually, scientists narrowed the location down to 100 galaxies, began a closer search of those, and found it in the ninth galaxy they looked at.The crash also helped explain the origins of one of the most dangerous forces of the cosmos — short gamma-ray bursts, focused beams of radiation that could erase life on any planet that happened to get in the way.“We already knew that iron came from a stellar explosion, the calcium in your bones came from stars and now we know the gold in your wedding ring came from merging neutron stars,” said University of California Santa Cruz’s Ryan Foley. By using LIGO to measure gravitational waves while watching this event unfold, researchers came up with a new estimate for how fast that is happening, the so-called Hubble Constant.It is like “the classic challenge of finding a needle in the haystack with the added challenge that the needle is fading away and the haystack is moving,” said Marcelle Soares-Santos, an astrophysicist at Brandeis University.Luckily for us, the beams of gamma rays were not focused on Earth and were generated too far away to be a threat, he said.

”The crash happened 130 million years ago, while dinosaurs still roamed on Earth, but the signal didn’t arrive on Earth until August 17 after travelling 130 million light-years.This almost didn’t happen. Some of it coalesced into heavy elements, like gold, platinum and uranium. A worldwide alert went out to focus telescopes on what became the well-observed astronomical event in history. This time there was plenty to see, measure and analyze: matter, light, and other radiation. Signals were picked up within 1.“We so far have been unable to prove Einstein wrong,” said Georgia Tech physics Professor Laura Cadonati. Scientists had suspected neutron star collisions had enough power to create heavier elements but weren’t certain until they witnessed it.”The colliding stars spewed bright blue, super-hot debris that was dense and unstable.“We see the gold being formed,” said Syracuse’s Brown.

Posté le 23/09/2020 à 04:17 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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Besides this, the sole aim in any recruitment practice should be to enroll the most competent person and to recruit on the basis of other non-job related characteristics. Such companies may go out of their way to handle consumers with disabilities and this can enhance their client base. Therefore, companies that have embraced diversity management are better prepared for such eventualities and can still retain their newly disabled employees. Statistics conducted in the European Union found that the unemployment rate for a person with a disability is two hundred and fifty percent higher than a person without a disability. There is a growing misconception that persons with disabilities cannot perform within an organization’s parameters. Suppliers, consumers, the local community, the government, investors and many other concerned parties will feel proud of such an organization and will continue doing business with them. Diversity encompasses all varieties of individuals from ethnic minorities, racial minorities, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities and persons with unconventional sexual orientations. This means that such companies will be eliminating boundaries present in other similar business. This is because such companies will attract perspectives from different types of people and this encourages creativity. Kandola and Fullerton (1998) assert that the current American workforce has changed drastically.  

Besides benefiting directly from the skills and expertise of the persons with disabilities, companies that have promoted an inclusive environment can create a positive image of their company in the eyes of their stakeholders. In this case, all persons within the organization are accorded equal opportunities and are also accorded equal treatment. In line with this argument, some markets are emerging as very crucial in the workplace yet most of them are made up of unconventional groups such as the persons with disabilities. Also, they will be demonstrating that they are embracing strategic opportunities. Gone are the days when there was an excess provision for labor.

Organizations that employ or accord equal opportunities to persons with disabilities are also better prepared to do the same to the public. When organizations embrace diversity, then they heighten their levels of creativity, innovation and overall success in their marketplace. This can go a long way in enhancing their business potential. These days, organizations are competing to keep some of the best employees. Similarly, managing diversity in the workplace is important for persons with disabilities because it can solicit extra funding from stakeholders within the industry. Diversity on the other hand is all about embracing the value of individuals in an organization while at the same time making the most of their potential. This has resulted in various types of diversity such as cultural diversity, age diversity, gender diversity and so on. Then they may challenge the conventional thinking methodologies in the workplace.  

Consequently, such companies will become more competitive than others and will boost their profit margins. This forms the basis of good social responsibility principles. However, this is a grave misconception because many organizations have not yet tapped this category of individuals yet most of them are highly skilled. Most workplaces have not accorded certain individuals equal opportunities on the basis of their background or physical attributes. This means that the method used e. Additionally, there is a need to fill in gaps in the labor force by tapping all potential resources available. This impedes their ability to become self sufficient, socialize and develop a high self esteem. Companies need to ensure that the selection criteria utilized is such that it does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. an interview should be non-discriminatory.Introduction  
Sanglin-Grant, S. (2003) explains that equality is the development of policies and practices that eliminate dissimilarity in any organization, institution or workplace.  

Policies and procedures that employers can use to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities
Organizations should demonstrate equality and diversity management in their recruitment exercises. This means that employers need not worry about tapping into their own resources in order to support artificial fur fabric manufacturers such persons. Many persons with disabilities have a wide access to grants and supports. Employers need to ask themselves; what policies and procedures can they set up to encourage equality? What are the benefits of providing equal opportunities for person with disabilities.

Integrating people with disabilities within businesses should be a top priority for all companies in the country-whether large or small- due to the following reasons. First of all, it gives a respective company access to a different type of labor force. Statistics indicate that eighty five percent of all cases of disability occur in adult life. (Ross & Schneider, 1992) Consequently, persons with disability end up being isolated or end up falling in the poverty bracket.  

Such alarming outcomes should solicit action from employers and other stakeholders within the workplace. The Disability Act of 2005 (UK) defines disability as a form of restriction in the process of conducting social, business or cultural duties due to physical, mental, health, intellectual and health impairment. (Miller, Hagen and Johnson, 2002) However, for purposes of this research, focus will be on persons with disabilities. (Ellis & Sonnenfield, 1993),
Embracing diversity can go a long way in solving all the problem service and product development strategies.
Before examining the imperative issues in managing diversity within the workplace for persons with disabilities, it is crucial to understand the meaning of the term disability.

Posté le 09/09/2020 à 03:43 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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