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Besides this, the sole aim in any recruitment practice should be to enroll the most competent person and to recruit on the basis of other non-job related characteristics. Such companies may go out of their way to handle consumers with disabilities and this can enhance their client base. Therefore, companies that have embraced diversity management are better prepared for such eventualities and can still retain their newly disabled employees. Statistics conducted in the European Union found that the unemployment rate for a person with a disability is two hundred and fifty percent higher than a person without a disability. There is a growing misconception that persons with disabilities cannot perform within an organization’s parameters. Suppliers, consumers, the local community, the government, investors and many other concerned parties will feel proud of such an organization and will continue doing business with them. Diversity encompasses all varieties of individuals from ethnic minorities, racial minorities, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities and persons with unconventional sexual orientations. This means that such companies will be eliminating boundaries present in other similar business. This is because such companies will attract perspectives from different types of people and this encourages creativity. Kandola and Fullerton (1998) assert that the current American workforce has changed drastically.  

Besides benefiting directly from the skills and expertise of the persons with disabilities, companies that have promoted an inclusive environment can create a positive image of their company in the eyes of their stakeholders. In this case, all persons within the organization are accorded equal opportunities and are also accorded equal treatment. In line with this argument, some markets are emerging as very crucial in the workplace yet most of them are made up of unconventional groups such as the persons with disabilities. Also, they will be demonstrating that they are embracing strategic opportunities. Gone are the days when there was an excess provision for labor.

Organizations that employ or accord equal opportunities to persons with disabilities are also better prepared to do the same to the public. When organizations embrace diversity, then they heighten their levels of creativity, innovation and overall success in their marketplace. This can go a long way in enhancing their business potential. These days, organizations are competing to keep some of the best employees. Similarly, managing diversity in the workplace is important for persons with disabilities because it can solicit extra funding from stakeholders within the industry. Diversity on the other hand is all about embracing the value of individuals in an organization while at the same time making the most of their potential. This has resulted in various types of diversity such as cultural diversity, age diversity, gender diversity and so on. Then they may challenge the conventional thinking methodologies in the workplace.  

Consequently, such companies will become more competitive than others and will boost their profit margins. This forms the basis of good social responsibility principles. However, this is a grave misconception because many organizations have not yet tapped this category of individuals yet most of them are highly skilled. Most workplaces have not accorded certain individuals equal opportunities on the basis of their background or physical attributes. This means that the method used e. Additionally, there is a need to fill in gaps in the labor force by tapping all potential resources available. This impedes their ability to become self sufficient, socialize and develop a high self esteem. Companies need to ensure that the selection criteria utilized is such that it does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. an interview should be non-discriminatory.Introduction  
Sanglin-Grant, S. (2003) explains that equality is the development of policies and practices that eliminate dissimilarity in any organization, institution or workplace.  

Policies and procedures that employers can use to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities
Organizations should demonstrate equality and diversity management in their recruitment exercises. This means that employers need not worry about tapping into their own resources in order to support artificial fur fabric manufacturers such persons. Many persons with disabilities have a wide access to grants and supports. Employers need to ask themselves; what policies and procedures can they set up to encourage equality? What are the benefits of providing equal opportunities for person with disabilities.

Integrating people with disabilities within businesses should be a top priority for all companies in the country-whether large or small- due to the following reasons. First of all, it gives a respective company access to a different type of labor force. Statistics indicate that eighty five percent of all cases of disability occur in adult life. (Ross & Schneider, 1992) Consequently, persons with disability end up being isolated or end up falling in the poverty bracket.  

Such alarming outcomes should solicit action from employers and other stakeholders within the workplace. The Disability Act of 2005 (UK) defines disability as a form of restriction in the process of conducting social, business or cultural duties due to physical, mental, health, intellectual and health impairment. (Miller, Hagen and Johnson, 2002) However, for purposes of this research, focus will be on persons with disabilities. (Ellis & Sonnenfield, 1993),
Embracing diversity can go a long way in solving all the problem service and product development strategies.
Before examining the imperative issues in managing diversity within the workplace for persons with disabilities, it is crucial to understand the meaning of the term disability.

Posté le 09/09/2020 à 03:43 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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