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He may keep the husk but he will see to it that it bends to his will.After 100 days, the Pakistani public has grown weary watching a new government conducting post-mortems on live adversaries, just as the revolutionary Parisian mobs eventually sickened at the slicing sound of the guillotine. A little twist and Jawaharlal might turn a dictator sweeping aside the paraphernalia of a slow-moving democracy. The PM has hinted that he might have to govern through presidential ordinances, bypassing the very Parliament that gives him constitutional authority.Today’s press is that cautionary whisperer. Chimpanzees are closer to humans with 240 days. Donkeys need 365 days. He calls himself a democrat and a socialist, and no doubt he does so in all earnestness, but every psychologist knows that the mind is ultimately a slave to the heart and logic can always be made to fit in with the desires and irrepressible urges of a person. Should he by chance read this paper, he might care to scan this extract from an anonymous article about Jawaharlal Nehru, published in the Modern Review in November 1937. He is known to watch television.”For a politician, Jawaharlal Nehru had an unusual feel for history. It would have been success enough during that time to have mastered the elements of Pakistan’s complicated governance. Others battle for space on the front page or for more prime time television coverage.Margaret Thatcher, even when Prime Minister, made breakfast for her husband Dennis, to remind herself that she was also a spouse. That is now compounded by fear. Ministers still bicker over territorial boundaries. Politicians in power bay for an odd-handed accountability — of others, not of themselves. Paraphrasing what Napoleon said: “The hand that gives is as bad to the hand that takes. Each has its own gestation period. Lions and tigers take about 108-9 days.The PTI’s crusade wholesale Beige printed mink Faux Fur Fabrics against corruption is laudable. Politicians in Opposition are fearful at the cadavers of their past misdeeds being disinterred.” But even the Napoleonic code never envisaged one law for the receiver and no law for the giver.”“And yet he has all the makings of a dictator in him — vast popularity, a strong will directed to a well-defined purpose, energy, pride, organisational capacity, ability, hardness, and, with all his love of the crowd, an intolerance of others and a certain contempt for the weak and the inefficient. His over-mastering desire to get things done, to sweep away what he dislikes and build anew, will hardly brook for long the slow processes of democracy. Pakistan’s Prime Minister revealed recently that, of an evening, his spouse has to remind him that he is the Prime Minister. The malodour of corruption though clings to both hands involved in such sordid transactions.  

The author was later revealed to be Nehru himself:“Men like Jawaharlal, with all their capacity for great and good work, are unsafe in democracy. Governments need up to four years, and even then, they do not always deliver.Decision makers at every level of government are in a spasm. In normal times he would be just an efficient and successful executive, but in this revolutionary epoch, Caesarism is always at the door. Many feel it is time the country moved forward, and not just by looking through the rear-view mirror. Changes without improvement or U-turns without alternative destinations are a poor substitute for policies. Money has no fatherland; financiers are without patriotism.  

Corruption is a social cancer that has spread deep, too deep, into Pakistan’s vitals. They dread the consequences of their actions.It was masochistic, therefore, for the PTI government to have set itself the target of delivering — even in part — its electoral promises within the first 100 days. He wrote it; he made it; he became it.By arrangement with Dawn. Provinces behave towards each other as if the federation is an unproven myth. His flashes of temper are well known and even when they are controlled, the curling of the lips betrays him. He understood all too well why in Roman times, a victor on his triumphal march through adoring crowds needed someone beside him on the chariot, murmuring into his ear: Hominem te memento (Remember you are only a man).

Had PM Imran Khan concentrated in his biology class at Aitchison College, he would have noticed that organisms are like governments.The behaviour of the PTI government since it assumed office this summer has oscillated between nobility of intent and crassness of action, between disguised democracy and faux fascism, between inexperience and incompetence.PM Imran Khan must be inundated already with advice proffered by his friends, his critics, his wives. Instead, the PTI government has expended its green energies castigating its predecessors and in trying to resuscitate a system immobilised by institutional apathy.

Posté le 15/10/2020 à 04:07 par pribrushent
Catégorie Fuchsia Mink faux fur fabric

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